Hunter Bridges

Interior Designer & Owner

Known for his knowledge of European antiques and his impressive interior styling. Hunter has experienced years of success as an interior designer and European antique wholesaler. Hunter loves telling stories and evoking feelings in his projects using architectural elements and European antiques.

His elegant nature-inspired aesthetics is influenced by his upbringing in the south of Alabama. As a child, Hunter was always captivated by nature and animals, wandering through the woods at his grandmother’s home.

“Till this day, I have surreal dreams being at my grandmother’s property; as a little boy walking through the woods collecting feathers, rocks, flowers, etc.” “I feel like I’m at home now with what I do… Just like I did then and in my dreams…

Each project I process internally, and the goal is for the project to reflect the clients’ souls.”

“The most successful partnership you can have with a client is going on the journey together.”

Carolina Subirats

Senior Designer

With Carolina’s love of mixing Antiques + Modern and a touch of Spanish flair, together the team brings a well-traveled feel with the utmost in functionality for their clients.

“I believe the use of antiquity with Contemporary or Modern is the key to having a well-collected home. The use of architectural elements and antiquity will make vour home read like vour own personal biography.”